
2014 Peter F. Heering Sling Awards Announce 44 Global Finalists

Having grown from 27 competing countries in 2014 to 44 this year, the Heering Sling Awards have evolved into proper global competition.

The first stages of this year’s comp have taken place, with the winners of national heats being announced, and making up the global pool of finalists.

Moving forward, the finalists will now be tasked with promoting their drinks in bars and to the public, with the assistance of a stipend from Heering. You can view their efforts on the Peter F. Heering Sling Awards  Facebook page

The next steps involve a semi final on August 26th in London, and global final at Berlin Bar Convent over the 7-8th October this year.

Congratulations to everyone who won their National heat, and a special slap on the back to David Hoggan from The Hoxton Pony for becoming the UK’s representative.

The 44 Global Finalists