
42Below Cocktail World Cup 2012 UK Final – Come and Join the Party

On Tuesday 14th August, the UK leg of the 42Below Cocktail World Cup with come to its sticky, vodka-soaked climax.

You're a lion. Yes you are, a big, hairy lion.

The regional teams face a day of challenges that will culminate in a grand finale.

When the dust has settled, the winning team will be announced, plus a potential wildcard team, who will then fly to New Zealand on September 2nd to represent the UK at the global final.

You are cordially invited to attend the grand finale and ensuing party (carnage) at Floripa Bar, Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3HZ, from 5:30pm.

Anyone who has been to a 42Below UK final party will tell you it is likely to be a knees up not to be missed. So we will see you there with a shot of 42Below Feijoa in hand.