
Auchentoshan Give Bartenders the Chance to Work in Top New York Bar

The Auchentoshan Switch provides the winning European bartender the opportunity of a lifetime in New York.

Now in it’s third year the Auchentoshan Switch competition provides a unique opportunity for a European bartender to spend two weeks in New York. During that two weeks not only will the winner be working in one of the world’s top bars but will get to experience the rest of the New York bar scene as only a local bartender can.

Aidan knocking out his winning drink at last years final

In return a bartender from North America will be heading to London for a similar experience.

BarLifeUK went along to Mr Fogg’s in London (who will be hosting the American bartender) last week for the launch of the competition. On hand was last years winner Aiden Bowie who knocked out his winning drink the Faff & Haff and regaled the assembled crowd with stories of his trip last year.

The competition is bound to, once again, be hotly contested but that is no shock considering just how big and potentially life changing the prize is. Oh and if you’re thinking that you don’t have enough experience for such a competition, think again. Last year was Aiden’s first ever competition which goes to show everyone has a shot at the title.

So to enter this is what you need to do:

Create your best Auchentoshan Three Wood cocktail and upload the recipe and an image of it to the Auchentoshan Switch website here.  Deadline for entries is 19th August

Once they have all been received a panel of judges will paper judge the entries and the successful candidates will be notified by 28th August and invited to attend regional heats between 8th September – 8th October.

The winners from each regional heat will then head to the Grand Final in London on October 30th and someone will be named the Auchentoshan Switch Champion 2014. They will then get to head over to New York in June 2015 to have the time of their lives.

Anything else you need to know? Nope thought not. Get involved right here

Aidan Bowie’s winning Faff & Haff 

Shake and double strain over a block of ice into a half pint tankard. Top with a ginger and lemon foam. Foam is made with lecithin powder and ginger beer.