
BarLifeUK Cocktail Ashes Teams Announced

In association with Aussie Spirits and Bombay Sapphire

The Cocktail Ashes are almost upon us, and we are very pleased to announce which eight bartenders will be stepping behind the stick at Trailer Happiness on the 29th November to represent their countries.

Thanks to everyone who entered by sending in their sledges. Some were funny, some were obscene, and at least one had to be reported to the RSPCA for inciting cruelty to sheep.

Please come and cheer on your team (and heckle the opposition) at Trailer Happiness on the night. We will be posting more details right here, and you can visit the Facebook event page by clicking here.

The inimitable Jake Burger will be compering the night, and Coopers Ale will be providing a few bottles for you to enjoy responsibly!

Team England

Team Australia

With thanks to exclusive beer supplier, Coopers

More on the BarLifeUK Cocktail Ashes Here