
BarLifeUK Launch BAD CHAT – A Bar Industry Discussion Forum

The planning meeting for this went something along these lines:

“God, so-and-so was coming out with a load of bad chat last night.”

“I know, he was awful. Heh, bad chat would be a good name for a bartending forum.”


“That’s actually quite a good idea.”

So, in the spirit of ‘build it and they will come’, we’ve created a discussion forum called Bad Chat, which is bolted onto the BarLifeUK website.

If you must be a dick, at least be a funny one.

For those unfamiliar with forums, they are a place where like minded individuals can come together  for lively discussion and debate that degenerates into name-calling and insults.

Alongside this, we are hoping the forum will also become a place for bartenders to discuss cocktails, recipes, spirits and products, as well as posting job vacancies, requests for info, and all that jazz.

The forum is live now, and it only takes a couple of minutes to create an account that will let you create discussion topics and post replies.

So, get involved, post your questions, vacancies, recipes and insults, and hopefully we can build a forum community to be proud of and horrified by in equal measure.

Visit the Bad Chat forum.