
Bars We Have Visited in 2010

As 2010, and BarLifeUK’s first year, draws to a close, we thought we should put together a list of the bars we visited.

Ninetyeight Bar and Lounge, Shoreditch, on opening night

No doubt we aren’t the only people saying it, but this year has flown by and we can’t quite believe that BarLifeUK is almost a year old.

We have had a fantastic time so far, thanks in large part to the hospitality afforded to us by the UK’s bar community.

So, if you’ve served us a drink, or put up with us asking be be served one more than we probably should, we salute you!

And if we didn’t make it to your joint, we will redouble our efforts next year and do our best to double the size of this list.