
Brew // LDN Beer and Cider Festival Returns To London – Free Trade Sessions

Brew//LDN: 25th – 27th April 2024, Southbank, London SE1

Despite having an edgy, modern name that was obviously created by a branding agency to say ‘this isn’t the Great British Beer Festival, no socks and sandals here’, Brew//LDN sounds like quite a good craic.

The festival has been around for a while, but this year the organisers have added some dedicated trade sessions, which is nice, and these sessions are free, which is even nicer. As is customary with such events, alongside the beer and cider from over sixty breweries, you will find street food and ‘top DJ’s (people twiddling knobs while a pre-recorded set plays on Traktor) to keep you fed and entertained.

I’m not going to include any of the quotes from the Brew//LDN press release, because they are all eye-wateringly salesy and corporate, and we all know the value of these events is wandering round, trying new brews, and chatting to the people who make them.

If you fancy spending a few frothy hours talking and tasting beer and cider in a lovely part of London, you can register for the free trade sessions here.

General ticket sales and information can be found here.

Brew//LDN Trade Session Schedule

Thursday 25th April: 12:00 – 17:00
Friday 26th April: 12:00 – 17:00