
Neurodiversity Through a Hospitality Lens: London Panel Discussion

Neurodiversity Discussion and Drinks: Tuesday 28th May, Callooh Callay, Shoreditch

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Bartender Ahsoka Wallace has announced a panel discussion on the subject of neurodiversity within hospitality, along with a cocktail takeover to raise funds for non-profit organisation, Equal Measures UK.

The session, which takes place at Callooh Callay on May 28th, will attempt to raise awareness about the issues facing neurodiverse people who work in hospitality. Panellists will discuss working conditions, personal experiences and coping mechanisms, barriers faced, as well positive aspects to being neurodiverse within hospitality.

Ahsoka explains why they are hosting the discussion: “I am autistic myself and had my own journey. I am also trying to understand others’ experience. I hope by starting this initial conversations, we can inspire more and even change the approach people have to people management and training to help build a more healthier, accessible and inclusive industry. I also want to highlight resources available such as equal measures that individuals can access during the seminar.

As you would expect, some delicious cocktails will be available after the panel discussion, with Cazcabel and Everleaf supporting the event, and £2 from the purchase of every drink will be donated to Equal Measures UK. If you are neurodiverse and would like to attend the event, or you would like to learn how to better support colleagues and employees who are neurodiverse, you can RSVP via the events Facebook page.