
Registration Opens for Tales of the Cocktail 2020 Virtual Festival

Tales of the Cocktail: 21st – 24th September, 2020. Sessions free of charge

As you would expect, Tales of the Cocktail (TOTC) will be an online-only affair in 2020. Gone are the sweaty hungover mornings in the Hotel Monteleone bar, and those rumours about that quite senior brand bloke who got arrested for something seedy last night, and in their place, presumably for one year only, we get education seminars that will be streamed online.

Registration for TOTC is free (BarLifeUK wonders how long the ‘can we charge for this?’ conversation lasted) and will result in an e-ticket that provides delegates with access to the event hub, wherein session details can be viewed and a personal programme of events planned. There is also a message board that aims to recreate the social element of TOTC, which is bound to be horrendous.

It’s not possible to view a full seminar schedule until one has registered and entered the event hub, however the organisers have compiled a list of their ‘top picks’, wich can be viewed before registering. To view this guide, and register for an e-ticket, visit the 2020 Tales of the Cocktail website.