
The London Essence Company Focus On Low Calorie Cocktails

The London Essence Company has partnered with three top London bartenders to create a collection of exceptionally light, low calorie cocktails for summer.

In bars across the country the amount of customers concerned about sugar consumption has been visibly rising over the past few years. In a recent CGA Mixed Drinks Report (2017) it was shown that the health and wellbeing trend is driving the popularity of low calorie cocktails, with 27% of customers choosing a low calorie option at least once a month and a third preferring to order low calorie cocktails over standard serves.

The London Essence Company are embracing this with UK Brand Ambassador, Andrea Brulatti, pointing out “We are now seeing an increasing number of customers looking for low calorie as well as low ABV alternatives, which don’t compromise on the elegance and quality that drinking traditional cocktails provides.” 

To celebrate this The London Essence Company have collaborated with three leading bartenders. They have each created their own interpretation of exceptionally light cocktails through the Exceptionally Light Spring/Summer ’18 Drinks Collection.

BarLifeUK has interviewed each of these bartenders about their serves which are 120 calories or less and use one of The London Essence Company’s mixers, which are crafted with signature distilled essences to allow the chosen spirit/liqueur to shine through. The range includes:

We will be bringing you more details on these three serves, but if you want to try them out yourself they will be available at these three London:

The Mauveine at The Whistling Shop, created using The London Essence Company’s Classic London Tonic Water
Bliss at Scout, created using The London Essence Company’s Classic London Tonic Water
Lutein at Cocktail Trading Co, created using The London Essence Company’s Rosemary & Grapefruit Tonic Water

We’ll leave the final word to Ounal Bailey, The London Essence Company’s Co-Founder, “Our delicately light mixers help to enhance this exclusive summer collection of exceptionally light cocktails, created in collaboration with some of London’s leading bartenders. As our collection is made with distilled essences, we are able to accentuate the character of premium spirits, whilst remaining low in calories. As we have seen a rise in people looking for lighter options that allow them to “drink better”, we are excited to be bringing these exceptionally light serves to enjoy in the capital this summer”.