
Win Coopers Beer for a Year

Here at BarLifeUK HQ we are very partial to a bottle of Coopers Green (Red, or indeed Vintage)

So then, imagine our excitement when we found out Bibendum Spirits were running a competition to win a year’s supply.

How do you roll?

Anyone of you who has visited Australia will know that Coopers in the bartenders’ beer of choice and also that the theatre of the ‘roll’ is as important as any Guinness pour.

You see Coopers is made using the Champagne Method with the second fermentation taking place in the bottle. This means the beer needs to be rolled or turned before drinking to incorporate the yeast.

With this is mind to win a year’s supply of Coopers, Bibendum are asking you to film your preferred method of rolling or turning, upload it to YouTube and send them the link. The best gets a year’s supply – easy!

For the full rules and more details on how to enter visit their dedicated website here all entries need to be in before midnight on the 22nd December so get creative people.

We will be putting together a BarLifeUK attempt so keep an eye out for that but in the meantime here is a girl in a tiger outfit!